Drug Trafficking
Under Ohio Revised Code 2925.03, it is illegal to knowingly sell or offer to sell a controlled substance. In addition, it is illegal to knowingly prepare, ship, transport, deliver, or distribute a controlled substance that is intended to be sold. It is a felony in Ohio. Unlike with Drug Possession, merely using or possessing a substance does not meet the definition of the crime. The key difference between Drug Possession and Trafficking is whether there is sufficient evidence that drugs were sold or intended to be sold. Such evidence does not have to be direct; it can be circumstantial. For example, just being in possession of things like a digital scale, multiple bags, or a large sum of cash can be considered evidence of drug trafficking under certain circumstances.
Drug Trafficking typically has more serious consequences than Drug Possession. Like with Possession, Trafficking can involve mandatory prison time depending on the type and amount of the substance involved. However, Trafficking charges have a lower threshold for mandatory sentencing. For example, trafficking only 3 grams of methamphetamine can result in a mandatory sentence, whereas 15 grams of the same substance would be required for a mandatory sentence for possession.
Fogt Law Can Help
Attorney Christopher Fogt is highly experienced with defending drug charges. Throughout his extensive career, he has helped hundreds of clients overcome these difficult cases. From lower-level misdemeanors to the most serious felony charges, he has used his expertise to achieve success in and out of the courtroom. Attorney Fogt aggressively challenges evidence to ensure that his client's rights are protected.